Tuesday 22 April 2008

A new blog - created by you!

Okay, this is something of an experiment. The idea is that you, the readers, create the content for this blog.

I've been curious for a while now as to what kind of blog you'd end up with if anyone and everyone was able to make a post. So, I thought I'd put it to the test.

Anyone who would like to participate should send me their post. I will pick between 1 and 3 posts a day (assuming I get any sent to me!) which will be published here on the site, with full credit given to the author.

Of course, with something like this, there must be rules. I would hope that most are obvious, but the key one to remember is:

I make the final decision about what makes it to the site.

There's no exception to this whatsoever. Obviously, anything that's likely to be offensive to anyone (and I mean anyone) won't be posted. Nothing illegal will be posted. I'll say this again just so everyone's clear - I'll make the final decision.

If I don't pick your post for publication on a particular day, I may well hold it back for another day, unless you specifically ask me not to.

So, enough of the formalities. Send me your posts and let's see how this goes!